It was once a dream that the intelligence and power of a collective could be harnessed by the few to empower their lives. Today this power exists on computers resting on our desks; within our pockets driving the very essence of our social networking lives. Vitae aims to provide incentive to the user by empowering the community with familiar tools which empower users to express, share and grow as a community.
Vitae is a Mission to provide an answer to the ailing populations of the world. Vitae aims to deliver the sustenance and the soil to grow a generation of prosperity through incentivized networking, global program outreach and community driven growth. Vitae is for many a way of life, a means of survival and for many their only means. Vitae cultivates lives, networks the hearts that beat for one another and extends the hands which eventually wash one another. We at vitae seek to be more than a social rewards website; More than a social media website…
Vitae is the dream sprouted from the collective will of tens of thousands of users, of all backgrounds; Users seeking to communicate and have their voice heard and appreciated in more ways than one. Vitae is the counter weight, which upon the dreams of thousands rest; A mission to free humanity from poverty and inspire common grounds amongst all individuals and have their work be appraised and appreciated by their peers.
Vitae is a dream, tread softly.